Alexander Robé, M.Eng.

P E R S O N A L   P R O F I L E :

born on Jan 16th 1975 in Leoben, Styria/Austria

Austrian nationality, married, 1 child


8940 Liezen


DI Alexander Robé

 E D U C A T I O N:

Studies of Studies of Mechanical Engineering at the Mining University of Leoben.subject: Automatronics

  • Diploma Thesis: „Development of a robot-system for the fully automated cabletree-production“.
  • final exam: summa cum laude,

Grades: click here…

  • Benedictine high school in Admont
  • Elementary school in Liezen

P R O F E S S I O N A L   E X P E R I E N C E:

For further details see JOB-Section…

Process Organization at AHT Cooling Systems in Rottenmann/A

  • Analysis and Optimization of internal company processes
  • Description, design and training of business processes
  • Idea, conception and implementation of the AHT reporting platform in MS Power BI
  • Definition and implementation of simplifying and efficiency increasing systems
  • QM-system implementation and maintenance in all plants (ISO 9001:2015)
  • Knowledge Management
  • Continuous Improvement Process

Product Manager at AHT

  • Build up of the all new business segment „PlugIn-Multideck VENTO“
  • Operative coordination of all multideck projects – internal (across all divisions) and to customers
  • Product- & productportfolio management
  • Process-wise mentoring of all product development projects within AHT
  • Establishing and continuous analysis and optimization of project-processes, reporting and key figures across all AHT products
  • Interface between sales & development, internal and external trainings of new system partners

6 Months as Development Planner (Project Processes) at AHT

  • Implementation of the prior conceived ProductDevelopmentProcess for the first 2 projects – start with PlugIn Multideck

15 Months as Quality Planner at AHT

  • Introduction and improvement of Q-Methods (Base-FMEA, QFD, SWOT, Risk Analysis…)
  • Implementation of the AHT-Management-System
  • Development of a novel electronic inspection chart („tally sheet for production defects“) including evaluation reports, containment action tracking & escalation mangement with Intrex Systems
  • Responsibility for improvement of the ProductDevelopmentProcess (PDP)
  • Visualization of the AHT-Busniess-Processes within the PDP with BPM-Tool ARIS

Industrial Production Planning: 1,5 year techn. group manager, 3 years Project Manager at ThyssenKrupp Presta in Eschen/Liechtenstein

  • Planning and Implementation of manual and highly automated Assembly Lines for the production of steering columns for cars (worldwide market leader)
  • As ISO-TS 16949 certified tier1-supplier in automotive business: special capabilities in project-& change management, quality tools (FMEA, EPP, POKA YOKE, DFM,…)
  • Responsibility as group manager for whole investment for central procurement of assembly lines for all 19 production plants worldwide; in charge of a team of 9 project managers

Pursuing the founding of own company „TOP-Solutions“

Business Plan with 3 main pillars :

  • eCard-Sevice Partner for the whole county Liezen (launch scheduled for 2003, but RollOut postponed to 2004)
  • Engineering, Automation
  • IT-solutions/consulting, networking/groupware, inter-/intra-/extranet

Department chief of software-development at Eltrona-RKT in Rottenmann/A.

  • Developed a robotic system for fully automated harness-production.
  • Created and supervised a consistent concept from CAD over Intranet-databases to kinematics-simulation and offline-programming of 6-axis KUKA-robots.
  • Project- and processflow planning including ressource management. Conceptual design and implementation of software and algorithms for a self-routing robot path

More information here…

01/1997 – 10/2000

Software- and Networking Technician during my Studies at Central Informatics Service of the Mining University in Leoben/A
– Minor employed during studies.
– Servicing the University Network (Server/PC-assembly, software-maintenance on all Windows plattforms)

Summer 1999
Project Consultant for robotics at Eltrona-RKT finishing my diploma thesis

07 – 08/1998
Internship at Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei GmbH
– Foundry , mechanical engineering, toll-manufacturing

07 – 09/1997
Tutor at Youth Center Liezen/A (during civilian service)
– Pedagogy, networking, sports

10/1996 – 08/1997
Civilian service at the fire department in Liezen

Summer 1994 & 1995
Barchief in the Weekend-Club „Empire“ in Weißenbach/Liezen

Summer 1992 – 1996
Internships at Knauf GmbH in Weißenbach/Liezen
– Garage, Construction, Production

Internship at Bezirkssparkasse Liezen
– Administration, EDP, secretarial activities

07 bis 08/1990

Internship at Fa. Sepp Letmaier GmbH in Liezen
– Building industry – manual works

P R O F E S S I O N A L   T R A I N I N G,  C E R T I F I C A T E S:

M A N A G E D   P R O J E C T S :

  • 2018: Development of the AHT reporting platform with currently 30 different report types (from production visualization platforms to automatic area key figure reporting); for web incl. smartphone app
  • 2017: Conversion to ISO 9001:2015
  • 2016: independent development of a worldwide QM & production reporting including web dashboards
  • 2015: Guided defect diagnosis for service technicians including multimedia equipment
  • 2014: Product configurator and order dispatching for SAP
  • 2013: many food market installations (from planning to on-site implementation including acceptance)
  • 2009-2012: Project management for five appliance families in the new business segment „plug-and-play refrigerated shelving unit“ (from project inquiry to serial production)
  • 2009: Introduction of electronic defect collection system with intranet task management IQM
  • ISO 9001 introduction in new plants
  • Requirements management for many internal projects. Largest: Ticketing system for customer service (2015)
  • Procurement of 1 highly flexible and 2 highly automated assembly lines for production of car steering columns (max. invest: 5,3 Mio EUR/assy line)
  • Development of a robot system for fully automatic production of cable trees
  • Enhancement of crimp automate ARA 600W with an autarkic filling station
  • Dynamic web-solutions with wordpress ( and TYPO3 (, Community-Portals (Web2.0, z.B.:
  • Various Events as chairman of the local Computer Club -> Highlight: LAN-Party for 114 participants in 2000 (ECA)
  • Paragliding Events, …

P U B L I C A T I O N S,   P R E S E N T A T I O N S    &    A W A R D S:

  • Golden Medal of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria, for two times World Champion in Cross Country Paragliding (2015 & 2017)
  • Risk Management & Efficient Paragliding; continuously since 2015
  • Robé, A., Use of a Base-PFMEA for Procurement of Assembly Lines, FMEA-Forum Osnabrück, 2006
  • Rath, G., et al., Servo-Hydraulic Positioning System for the ALPINE MINER, Zeitschrift für Fluidtechnik, 1999.
  • 1st place at the competition „Autonomous Mobile Robots“ of the Institute for Automation 1998; Teamleader

 L A N G U A G E S:

  • German: Mother tongue
  • Englisch: Excellent written and spoken; 6 Months USA as expatriate;
    Further Trainings: Technical English, English Comunication and BEC Vantage Masterclass III
  • French: well (4 years high school + main production facility of ThyssenKrupp Presta)

C O M P U T E R-   &   I T – S K I L L S:

  • Operating Systems: detailed System Knowledge of all Windows-Plattforms up to Windows 10
  • Databases: DAX, PowerQuery (M)., MySQL, Lotus Notes, Access
  • Networking: Apache, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Mobile Router
  • Programming : VBA, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript, PHP
  • Standard-Software, others : MS Power BI, MS Office, MS Project, APIS IQRM, Mindjet Mindmanager, Adobe Creative Suite, CMS-Systems WordPress & Typo3

R E F E R E N C E S :

  • References, Diplomas & Certificates can be downloaded here…
  • Driving license: A, B (motorcycle, car)

H O B B I E S:

Family, Paragliding, Cross Country Skiing, Photography & Video Production, Application- & Web-Development, Fitness, Travelling, Yoga
More details in the leisure time section on this homepage…