Alexander Robé, M.Eng.
P E R S O N A L P R O F I L E :
born on Jan 16th 1975 in Leoben, Styria/Austria
Austrian nationality, married, 1 child
8940 Liezen
E D U C A T I O N:
P R O F E S S I O N A L T R A I N I N G, C E R T I F I C A T E S:
- Product Development Process
- Productmanagement
- Projektmanagement in ISO-TS 16949
- FMEA-Methodology & -Moderation
- House Of Quality
- Product Life Cycle
- Modelling of Business Processes
- innovative Quality Management
- Participant in ThyssenKrupp „JUMP“-Program (future leader-training)
- Management by Objectives (MbO)
- Performance Goals / Performance Rating (360°)
- Managerial Grid
- Living the Responsibility
- Employee motivation
- Technical Communication / Content Management Systems
- SPS-Certificate „Advanced Controls Programming“ ASPROG
- KUKA-Certificates „Advanced Robotic Programming“ and coopererating Robots „RoboTeam“: Cell Planning with RoboTEAM
- Certificate „Advanced Controls Programming“ ACOPOS, MSA
- MS Power BI (with PowerQuery & DAX)
- MS Office & OpenOffice
- Apis IQ FMEA
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Projectmanagement: Jira, Trello, Planview and Clarity etc.
- Budgeting
- Communication-Presentation-Sales Talk
- Customer Acquisition
- Marketing and Marketstrategies
- Facilitation & Funding
- Accounting
- Negotiation
- Reaching Goals
- Solving Conflicts
- Time Management, Self Organization, Success Motivation
- Effective Decision Making
M A N A G E D P R O J E C T S :
P U B L I C A T I O N S, P R E S E N T A T I O N S & A W A R D S:
- Golden Medal of Honor for Services to the Republic of Austria, for two times World Champion in Cross Country Paragliding (2015 & 2017)
- Risk Management & Efficient Paragliding; continuously since 2015
- Robé, A., Use of a Base-PFMEA for Procurement of Assembly Lines, FMEA-Forum Osnabrück, 2006
- Rath, G., et al., Servo-Hydraulic Positioning System for the ALPINE MINER, Zeitschrift für Fluidtechnik, 1999.
- 1st place at the competition „Autonomous Mobile Robots“ of the Institute for Automation 1998; Teamleader
L A N G U A G E S:
- German: Mother tongue
- Englisch: Excellent written and spoken; 6 Months USA as expatriate;
Further Trainings: Technical English, English Comunication and BEC Vantage Masterclass III - French: well (4 years high school + main production facility of ThyssenKrupp Presta)
C O M P U T E R- & I T – S K I L L S:
- Operating Systems: detailed System Knowledge of all Windows-Plattforms up to Windows 10
- Databases: DAX, PowerQuery (M)., MySQL, Lotus Notes, Access
- Networking: Apache, Ethernet, TCP/IP, Mobile Router
- Programming : VBA, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript, PHP
- Standard-Software, others : MS Power BI, MS Office, MS Project, APIS IQRM, Mindjet Mindmanager, Adobe Creative Suite, CMS-Systems WordPress & Typo3
R E F E R E N C E S :
- References, Diplomas & Certificates can be downloaded here…
- Driving license: A, B (motorcycle, car)
H O B B I E S:
Family, Paragliding, Cross Country Skiing, Photography & Video Production, Application- & Web-Development, Fitness, Travelling, Yoga
More details in the leisure time section on this homepage…